
Millennial men value altruism and self-care above traditional male qualities

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Millennial men value altruism and self-care above traditional male qualities

Contrary to popular stereotypes, young men today are likely to be selfless, socially engaged and health-conscious, according to a new study.   

What the researchers say: The researchers surveyed 630 young men ages 15-29 in Western Canada and found that the most strongly endorsed masculine value is selflessness. Ninety-one per cent of the men agreed that a man should help other people, and 80 per cent believed that a man should give back to the community. Openness also ranked highly—88 per cent said a man should be open to new ideas, new experiences, and new people—and so did health, with a majority of participants saying that men should be healthy or in good shape.   

More traditionally “male” values ranked lower on the scale but were still valued by the majority of participants. Seventy-five per cent of the men said that a man should have physical strength, compared with those who said a man should have intellectual strength (87 per cent) or emotional strength (83 per cent). Autonomy also tracked lower with 78 per cent of the men agreeing that a man should be “independent.”   “Young Canadian men seem to be holding masculine values that are distinctly different from those of previous generations. These values may run counter to long-standing claims that young men are typically hedonistic, hyper-competitive, and that they risk or neglect their health,” said the lead author.   

The study’s co-author, believes many young Canadian men are expanding their definition of masculinity to include values like openness and well-being. “As a millennial myself, I can see these values reflected in the lives of men around me,” he said. “They want to be both caring and strong, both open to others and self-sufficient, and they see no contradiction in these values.”   The researchers say that more research is needed to include other age groups and geographical locations but add that the current results could be useful for designing more effective men’s health-care programs.   “The life expectancy gap is closing between men and women, and I hope that additional gains are mustered through these emerging health-related values—and our continued work in men’s health,” they said.   

So, what? It may be that this is the most important study of the week. We keep being told that male young people are obsessed with technology and hedonistic pleasure. It may be that this is a wrong assumption. If it is then the world has a lot to look forward to.

Dr Bob Murray

Bob Murray, MBA, PhD (Clinical Psychology), is an internationally recognised expert in strategy, leadership, influencing, human motivation and behavioural change.

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