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Client centricity leads to alcohol centricity | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Client centricity leads to alcohol centricity. Employees who force themselves to smile and be happy in front of customers—or who try to hide feelings of annoyance—may be at risk for heavier drinking after work, according to researchers.

Social drinkers don't earn more | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Respondents also self-checked their alcohol tolerance using a simple stick-on alcohol patch test. In total, about 3,500 men from across the three regions participated.

Six strategies to help recovering alcoholics | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

The study identified. six strategies that recovering alcoholics use. to negotiate social situations and remain sober, depending on how they feel about stigmas associated with drinking and alcoholism.

77 percent of suicides in UK and Europe are male | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

However, a worrying statistic from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that alcohol-related deaths rose by 8.3% during 2020. In the. UK, the rise was 20%. during the same period.

Forty percent of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by targeting 12 risk factors throughout life | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Twenty-eight world-leading dementia experts added three new risk factors in the new report—excessive alcohol intake and head injury in mid-life and air pollution in later life.

Loneliness, insomnia linked to work with AI systems | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Coworkers rated individual participants on their helpful behaviors, and family members reported on participants’ insomnia and after-work alcohol consumption.

Workplace resilience programs might not make any difference | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

They also wanted to know if SPEAR affected perceptions of leadership, unit cohesion, and willingness to seek help for mental health and alcohol issues.

Children exposed to a brand a minute | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

What the researchers say: “This is alarming given the high rates of obesity, alcohol, and gambling harm in socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods,” said the lead author.

Information is addictive | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

It’s interesting to see increased science behind the theory that social media, news sites, Google and the rest create an addiction in the same way that money or food—or indeed shopping, cocaine or alcohol—do. We are only beginning to take this seriously.

Perils of not being attractive or athletic in middle school | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Journal of Youth and Adolescence. , show that low attractive youth and low athletic youth became increasingly unpopular over the course of a school year, leading to subsequent increases in their loneliness and alcohol misuse.