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Childhood abuse leads to COVID vaccine hesitancy | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Increasing numbers of childhood traumas were independently associated with low levels of trust in official COVID-19 information, feeling that government restrictions were unfair, and wanting mandatory face coverings to be ditched.

Experiencing childhood trauma makes body and brain age faster | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Experiencing childhood trauma makes body and brain age faster. August 23, 2020. In Europe and the US, studies have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an alarming increase in child abuse.

Chronic adversity dampens dopamine production | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

The findings, published today in. eLife. , may help explain why. long-term exposure to psychological trauma and abuse increases the risk of mental illness and addiction.

Spending time in nature promotes early childhood development | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Spending time in nature promotes early childhood development. December 5, 2021. Want to ensure your child hits their expected developmental milestones?

Childhood and adolescent suicides are a serious threat | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Childhood and adolescent suicides are a serious threat. February 27, 2022.

Aboriginal community with strong ethno-cultural identity and connection to the land has lower suicide rates, | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

The Cree community involved in the study is one of six First Nationscommunities located in the James and Hudson Bay region of northern Ontario.Despite a shared history of trauma and oppression with its sister communities,as well as an added trauma of natural

Economic burden of childhood verbal abuse by aduts estimated at $300 billion | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Economic burden of childhood verbal abuse by aduts estimated at $300 billion. April 21, 2024.

Childhood maltreatment linked to higher risk of multiple health conditions in later life | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

A new and very relevant study has shown that people who suffer one or more forms of maltreatment in childhood have a higher chance of a wide range of health problems in later life.

Society perceives the poor as less affected by distress than those with more means | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Negative life events, such as hurricane Laura or the pandemic can cause crippling distress, significant hardships, and even lifelong trauma.

Hunter-gatherer childhoods may offer clues to improving education and wellbeing | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Hunter-gatherer childhoods may offer clues to improving education and wellbeing. March 12, 2023.