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Don't complain to these co-workers | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Conventional wisdom says it pays to speak up at work: When an employee offers a novel idea for workplace improvements, and managers listen and act, both the organization and employee win.

How bosses react influences whether workers speak up | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

How bosses react influences whether workers speak up. June 23, 2019. Speaking up in front of a supervisor can be stressful—but it doesn't have to be, according to new research.

How you speak up at work can affect whether you're picked for a team | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

How you speak up at work can affect whether you're picked for a team. December 12, 2021. Alicia and I have found that business leaders often encourage people to speak up in the workplace. Whole programs are devoted to creating a “speak up” culture.

CEO political activism - jobseekers want bosses who take a stand | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Chief executives who speak out on political issues and take a principled stance are increasingly sought out by job seekers who believe such behavior signals fair treatment, respect for employees and a more responsible vision beyond nurturing the bottom line

Your bad boss could turn you into a great boss | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

One of the best things that an organization can do is to create a culture that encourages employees to “speak up” when they see bad behavior. Often this is difficult because of the fear of retribution, or a sense that nothing will change anyway.

How to get good at disagreeing | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

You may disagree, but you’d rather not speak up, and the others aren’t voicing any disagreement either. These meetings are dominated by a few individuals, or maybe just one person.

The economic costs of workplace bullying | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

There must also be a safe speak-up culture so that people can notify senior leaders of the problem. In most workplaces this is woefully absent, even where there is an official policy of speak up.

Recruiting male allies boosts women at work | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Mixed-gender coalitions (owing to the participation of women) were able to signal that they had the right to speak up about gender equity issues.

Corporate scandals have been on the rise for the past decade | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

Before the #MeToo movement, ‘speak up’ was basically absent, then suddenly it began appearing everywhere, including in every code of ethics.”.

Not sure how to stand out as a leader on Zoom calls? It starts with how you communicate | Today's Research by Fortinberry Murray

But taking charge of the conversation isn’t enough, the study found; for leadership to be effective and teamwork to be successful, all the group’s participants must also speak up.