
Being happy leads to a longer life

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Being happy leads to a longer life

Happy people live longer, according to a study  published today in the journal Age and Ageing. The authors found that an increase in happiness is directly proportional with a reduction in mortality.

The study utilized data for 4,478 participants of a nationally-representative survey to look at the association between happiness, assessed in the year 2009, and subsequent likelihood of dying due to any cause, until 31 December 2015.

What the researchers say: Happiness was assessed by asking the survey participants how often in the past week they experienced the following: ‘I felt happy’, ‘I enjoyed life’ and ‘I felt hope about the future’. Their responses were considered in two distinct ways; a ‘happiness score’, and a ‘binary happiness variable – Happy/Unhappy’. A wide range of demographics, lifestyle choices, health and social factors were accounted for in the analysis.

The researchers found that among happy older people, 15% had passed away by 31 December 2015. In contrast, the corresponding proportion was higher, at 20%, among unhappy older people. Every increase of one point on the happiness score lowered the chance of dying due to any cause by an additional nine percent. The likelihood of dying due to any cause was 19 percent lower for happy older people. Further, the inverse association of happiness with mortality was consistently present among men and women, and among the young-old (aged 60-79 years) and the old-old (aged 75 years or older).

“The findings indicate that even small increments in happiness may be beneficial to older people’s longevity,” explained the senior author of the paper. “Therefore individual-level activities as well as government policies and programs that maintain or improve happiness or psychological well-being may contribute to a longer life among older people.”

The co-author added: “The consistency of the inverse association of happiness with mortality across age groups and gender is insightful—men and women, the young-old and the old-old, all are likely to benefit from an increase in happiness.”

Interest in the pursuit of happiness to improve the health of older people has been growing. While previous studies have linked happiness or positive emotions with a range of better health outcomes, the evidence on the effect of happiness on living longer has been inconclusive. Many of these studies do initially observe a greater extent of happiness to be associated with a lower likelihood of dying, but this link disappears once differences in demographic, lifestyle and health factors between those less and more happy are accounted for.

This is one of the few studies to have assessed the association between happiness and mortality among older people, while accounting for several social factors, such as loneliness and social network, therefore extending the generalizability of the findings.

So, what? Many studies have shown that humans were designed to be happy—to seek pleasure in just about everything that they did. The main neurochemical drivers of human activity are dopamine and oxytocin, the principal reward neurochemicals. In very ancient times young men went out on a dangerous hunt not because their hunter-gatherer band needed protein (70% of which was gathered by women and children under 6) but because they enjoyed the process. The same is true gathering which involved a great deal of singing, games and socializing.

Yet many recent studies have shown that people in the developed world are, by and large, less than “happy.” The things that made us satisfied with life—supportive relationships, connection to nature, a sense of connection to the divine, adventure and just plain fun—have largely been lost. This is something that Yuval Noah Harari wrote about in his marvelous book “Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind.”

Instead we have become slaves to things which research has shown detract from life satisfaction or “happiness.” These include social media, the modern work environment, working alone, convenience, technology, cities, tall buildings, leaders, plus a whole lot more.

Dr Bob Murray

Bob Murray, MBA, PhD (Clinical Psychology), is an internationally recognised expert in strategy, leadership, influencing, human motivation and behavioural change.

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