
Gender equity paradox: sex differences in reading and science as academic strengths are largest in gender-equal countries

September 29, 2024

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Gender equity paradox: sex differences in reading and science as academic strengths are largest in gender-equal countries

A new study reveals that gender differences in academic strengths are found throughout the world - girls’ relative advantage in reading and boys’ in science is largest in gender-equal countries.

Gender equality often draws attention especially in fields where women are underrepresented, such as high-status, high-paying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers. Academic strengths, or a student’s best subject, strongly influence their field of study. Students with strengths in mathematics or science gravitate toward STEM fields, while those with a strength in reading gravitate toward other fields (e.g., journalism).

The research team analyzed data from nearly 2.5 million adolescents in 85 countries over 12 years from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Their findings confirmed that girls’ strength is typically reading, while boys’ is typically mathematics or science. These patterns are found both across countries and time.

Most notably, sex differences in reading and science as academic strengths are more pronounced in countries with greater gender equality, such as Finland. Sex differences in mathematics, on the other hand, remained stable regardless of country-level gender equality.

What the researchers say: "These results suggest that in more gender-equal societies, women may be choosing fields other than STEM based on their strength in reading. Increasing the share of women in STEM will require more than just boosting girls' math and science skills or advancing gender equality," the lead author said.

The finding that sex differences in academic strength in reading and science are larger in gender-equal Scandinavian countries than in more traditional Middle Eastern countries –known as the Gender Equality Paradox – challenges the popular belief that sex differences are mainly driven by socialization pressure.

"The common assumption is that as gender equality improves, traditional gender roles should fade, leading to smaller sex differences. But that is not what we found. Instead, our results align with recent research showing that sex differences either stay the same or even increase with more gender equality," the researchers explained.

“Gender-equal, wealthy, and liberal countries offer more opportunities and allow greater freedom of choice. In these contexts, men and women make different decisions, leading to larger sex differences in various areas of life, including STEM fields,” noted the lead author.

So, what? This study has profound implications in a wide range of areas and, as the researchers note, goes against some of our fondest assumptions. I will be following the repercussions with interest.

Dr Bob Murray

Bob Murray, MBA, PhD (Clinical Psychology), is an internationally recognised expert in strategy, leadership, influencing, human motivation and behavioural change.

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